David Rubenstein: The Carlyle Group

David Rubenstein, The Carlyle Group, The Founder Hour, Podcast

David Rubenstein is the co-founder and co-Executive Chairman of The Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest and most successful private investment firms with over $217 billion of assets under management, which he started in 1987.

In this episode, we spoke with David about his humble beginnings growing up in Baltimore, what it was like working at the White House during the Carter Administration, how he started The Carlyle Group with zero investing experience, his philosophies on life and thoughts on leadership, being one of the original signers of The Giving Pledge and the impact he hopes it can make, his unique approach to fundraising, and some of the biggest business mistakes he’s made throughout the years.

His new book, “How To Lead”, where he shares his interviews with world leaders and CEOs such as Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and many others is available now everywhere books are found.


The Carlyle Group: @onecarlyle
The Founder Hour: @thefounderhour
Pat: @patricktanahan
Posh: @posh


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